Mar 10, 2009

from "Mozilla Firefox Update Repairs Critical Memory Flaws"

In computer security, an unethical or illegal attack that takes advantage of some vulnerability. See zero-day exploit and PoC exploit.

(Port Address Translation) A common method for implementing network address translation. See NAT for more details of the PAT implementation.

(MALicious softWARE) Software designed to destroy, aggravate and otherwise make life unhappy. See crimeware, virus, worm, logic bomb, macro virus and Trojan.

A self-contained module of data and its associated processing. Objects are the software building blocks of object technology.

5.Object-oriented programming
Writing software that supports a model wherein the data and their associated processing (called "methods") are defined as self-contained entities called "objects." Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages, such as C++ and Java, provide a formal set of rules for creating and managing objects. The data in an object model can be stored in the traditional table structure of a relational database (see O-R mapping) or, if the object model is very complex, in an object database, which is designed to hold object data

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